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Controlling temperature with a PID controller / Korea's PID temperature controller

by - July 09, 2018

Controlling temperature with a PID controller 
[Korea's best PID temperature controller]
* PID Temperature controller

* 2 Relay outputs

* 2 Outputs enabling the use of current and SSR 
(Cycle, Phase control, General ON and OFF)

* Users can select the Alarm output, Current transmission and control output functions

* Various sensor inputs including thermal resistor, thermocouple, NTC sensor, 
voltage(mV, Volt), current (4-20mA) among others.

*RS485 communication (Modbus - RTU) supported. 


Sensor Options
NTC10K = -50~99.9℃
DPT100Ω = -199~400℃
CA(K,N,J) = -50~1200℃

Email : conotec@conotec.co.kr
Tel : +82-70-7815-8270, 8277, 8289

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